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10 Fun Baby Shower Games to Make All of Your Guests Feel Included

For expectant parents, the baby shower is a sweet (and practical) ritual where friends and family can come together to celebrate the impending new arrival. While the main purpose of a baby shower is to set the new mom and dad up with gifts for the little one, it is also a great opportunity to have some fun and break the ice between your nearest and dearest. We’ve compiled some fun baby shower games that will help your guests connect and keep everyone entertained.

Funny baby shower games

Adding some humor to the games agenda will help to make your guests more comfortable participating, especially if you have a larger group attending who might not know each other. Laughter is a great unifier!


1. Balloon baby Twister

What you'll need:

  • Balloons
  • Twister game (mat and spinner)

How to play:

Have each participant blow up at least one balloon and place it under their shirt as a fake baby bump – then let them go to town on the Twister board. The mom-to-be gets to sit back and judge the “winners”: you can give prizes for the most impressive pose, the most balloons under the outfit, or the least number of popped balloons.


2. Embarrassing baby stories

What you’ll need:

  • Just your memories and a good sense of humor 

How to play:

This one is self-explanatory! Break the ice by taking turns to tell an embarrassing story from when you were a baby! You can throw in a prize for the guest who gets the most laughs. 

Sweet and sentimental baby shower games

These charming baby shower games have the dual benefit of being entertaining and heartwarming. If you’re looking for games to make the parents-to-be feel special, secure, and set up for success on their new journey, these will hit the spot.


3. Diaper notes

What you'll need:

  • A large box of newborn diapers
  • Different colored permanent markers

How to play:

Give each guest a diaper and a marker, and have them write something on the back of the diaper. It can be a joke, a quote, some words of encouragement, or anything creative – whether it’s funny or sweet is the artist’s choice. The parents-to-be will now have a box full of inspirational diapers to bring some cheer on those late-night changing table sessions. 

4. Baby onesie or bib decorating

What you'll need:

  • Plain onesies (in multiple sizes) or bibs
  • Fabric paint 
  • A large piece of cardboard or a drop cloth to protect the table 

How to play:

This is a practical and hands-on activity that will keep your guests busy and let them explore their crafty side. Essentially, just lay out the materials for them to decorate some bibs and/or onesies for the baby. You can provide stencils and accessories for the less artistically inclined if you wish, or just let your guests get creative with it. At the end of the party, you will have a fabulous collection of personalized works of art to cherish.

Set and forget baby shower games

Looking for some fun baby shower games to keep running in the background of the party? Here are some options for easy, low-cost activities that can carry on for the duration of the event.

6. Don’t say baby

What you'll need:

  • Five clothespins per guest

How to play:

This is a simple game that can encourage guests to get a bit creative with communication. Upon each guest’s arrival, pin five clothespins to their outfit and give them the (deceptively) simple instruction: Don’t say “baby.” If anyone hears another patron uttering the banned word, they get to take one of that person’s clothespins. The person with the most clothespins at the end is the winner! Having trouble eliminating the b-word from your vocabulary? You can pick any word or phrase that you think might pop up often throughout the party. 


6. Ice ice, baby

What you'll need:

  • An ice cube tray
  • One small plastic baby per guest (you can get these from a party store)

How to play:

Freeze the plastic babies into ice-cube trays the night before. As people arrive, pop an ice baby into their drink. Party guests will need to keep an eye on the melting baby, and shout the words “My water broke!” when the baby is completely freed from its frosty enclosure. The first to call it wins. 

Guessing games

Put your thinking caps on! These baby-themed guessing games are fun, free, and interactive. You can up the stakes by keeping small prizes on hand for the winners, or just use the games to keep your guests entertained. 

7. Baby shower bingo

What you'll need:

  • A bingo card for each guest 
  • Pens
  • Paper

How to play:

Create some bingo cards ahead of time that feature a range of gifts a mom might usually get at a baby shower, like baby blankets, diaper bags, clothes, and toys. When it comes time to open the presents, get guests to check off their bingo cards accordingly. Provide prizes for the first, second, and third people to call bingo. This is an easy way to keep people involved in what can often be a bit of a long process. 

8. Name the baby tune

What you'll need:

  • A playlist of songs with the word “baby” or “babe” (try to have a good mix of songs from different eras)
  • Pen and paper for scoring

How to play:

This one is super easy. Just crank your playlist, have the guests shout out the name of the song, and keep track of who gets it right the fastest. The person with the most correct guesses wins the game. 

9. Baby animal names

What you'll need:

  • Master list of animals
  • Answer key with the baby names of each animal
  • Pens and paper for guests

How to play:

Make a list of up to 20 animals, and ask guests to write down the word for that animal's baby. You can find plenty of curious answers online, for example: baby ferrets are kits, baby kangaroos are joeys, baby sharks are pups, and so on. When everyone is done, read the correct words out loud, and have guests score themselves. Give a prize to the guest with the highest score.

10. The Price is Right

What you’ll need:

  • Assorted baby items (up to ten should keep the game interesting)
  • A master list of the cost of the items
  • Pens and paper 

How to play:

As the name suggests, this game is a baby-centric spin on the classic television guessing-game show. Showcase some common classics like diapers and wipes, but also throw in some curveballs such as breast pumps and bottle warmers. These newer essentials might throw off some of the older guests – that’s part of the fun! Whoever comes closest to the grand total wins. 

Need some nursery inspiration for your little one? We’ve rounded up some baby nursery decor ideas for boys and girls, plus gender-neutral themes for parents who are waiting for a surprise.

Sewn with love,

The Minky Couture Blog

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