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Heart of Minky: Indie

We received a testimonial from a recipient of our Heart of Minky program back in 2018. This is Indie's story in the words of her mother. Read their experience below ❤️


“After battling high blood pressure for a couple of weeks during my pregnancy and being in denial that this sweet baby girl would come early, I woke up one morning with terrible liver pain. I was convinced it was my gallbladder. I went into Ogden Regional to get checked out. They hooked me up to the monitors and had lab work done. I remember the nurse coming back to my room and telling me my condition is serious, you are in HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) syndrome and will be delivering your baby today. I burst into tears because I didn’t want my baby to come early. I knew that meant she would have to spend some time in the NICU.

They hurried to get me ready, and rushed me back for an emergency C-section. Indie was born soon after, weighing 4lbs 15oz, and was put in the NICU. I spent the next 24 days visiting her every moment I could. Have a baby in the NICU is a mix of emotions. One day they are doing well and the next day they are having complications. To know that other people are thinking of all the sweet babies and families in the NICU is incredible! We loved receiving the mini Minky from Minky Couture. To this day it is still my little girls favorite blanket. Thank you Minky for being such a great company and thinking of families and babies in the NICU!”


Here’s Indie today, thriving and doing well!

   Baby Indie lying on Minky Blanket     Baby Indie smiling


We are so grateful to be able to share Indie's story, and so many other Heart of Minky stories! If you have a NICU story to share please send them to heartofminky@minkycouture.com ❤️


Sewn with love,

The Minky Couture Blog

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